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"THAT GRACE MIGHT REIGN THROUGH RIGHTEOUSNESS"Romans 5:21By Ian Potts “That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:21 Grace
This verse sets before us, in
stark contrast, two reigns - two rules, two dominions, two powers - and
the effects of their reign: the one unto death and the other unto eternal
The contrast could not be
more vivid. The consequences could not be more opposed. Their importance
cannot be overstated.
Yes, one reign is unto death,
but the other is unto life - eternal
The first is the reign of sin.
What a reign this has over men, and how devastating the consequence –
death! How far reaching are the effects of sin, how vast is the kingdom
over which sin has reigned, how many are its citizens! As we read in Romans
as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death
passed upon all men, for that all have
Yes, all have sinned. There is
not one of us who has escaped the reign and the dominion of sin. It
entered the world by one man, Adam, when he turned from God his Maker in
disobedience and rebellion, and has been passed down to all his posterity
ever since. We are all born with the same sinful, rebellious, selfish,
wilful and disobedient nature into which Adam fell and by which the
dreadful consequence of sin entered the world - death: “and so death
passed upon all men, for that all have sinned”. We can no more
escape the consequence of sin - death - than we can escape or ignore the
cause - our sin - and its permeating effects upon all we do and
Sin reigns, and mankind
finds himself captive to this reign. Not only do we find ourselves captive to
a decaying and death-filled world, not only do we see the effects of death
in our bodies as we age, and suffer illness, weariness, pain, tiredness,
sorrow and misery as the days of our lives pass by towards their
inevitable conclusion, but we also find ourselves captive to a spiritual
death. We find ourselves unable and unwilling to approach God. We have no
desire for Him. Sin leads us in another direction. The true communion
which man, in Adam, had with his Maker was shattered when he turned his
back upon God. The LORD God once walked with Adam in the garden, but when
sin entered the world God cast Adam out from His presence and a great gulf
was fixed between man and God. That gulf was caused by sin and by its
result – death.
When Adam chose to turn his
back upon the Tree of Life which was in the midst of the garden and eat
instead from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - by the eating
of which he desired to become as a god (Genesis 3:5) - he chose a
terrible pathway unto death. By choosing to put himself under another reign
from God’s, by choosing to place himself under another dominion mankind became a
captive to it. Man in his lust for power desired to reign himself, but in
his folly, his own sin took reign over him and he fell captive to it.
Sin’s lusts, desires, motives, intentions and resolves all drive man in a
certain direction – away from God; away from the only One in whom is life;
away from Jesus Christ, who to know is life eternal; away from God and
into death, for “sin hath reigned
unto death”.
What a reign sin has over us.
How captive we are under it. But how captivated we are by it!
Not only has sin reigned over us but we have lovingly embraced its reign!
Not only are we unable to turn from sin to God, but we are also unwilling.
We choose to go this way. “As it is written,
There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth,
there is none that seeketh after God.” Romans 3:10-11. Not one
of us can claim innocence for like our father Adam we have willingly
embraced the fall, we have said of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, “We will not have
this man to reign over us”, and in our pride and lust for power
we have sought to place ourselves upon the throne. We will
reign, won’t we? Don’t our natural hearts speak that way? But in such
foolish desire our sin takes hold of us and keeps us captive. Sin reigns…
unto death.
But praise God that Romans
“…even so
might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ
our Lord.” Romans
so. Even so despite the reign of
sin. Despite its power and its awful consequences. Even so, though mankind
has willingly embraced sin. Even so, though mankind willingly sinned and
brought death upon himself. Even so, though mankind has chosen this reign
of sin and deserves nothing better.
so”. Even so, might grace reign
through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our
Yes, though God would be just
to leave man to himself; though God could justly destroy His creation and
the rebellious creatures who turned against Him, nevertheless, even
so, God has chosen to be gracious.
He is a God who delights in showing mercy. A God who is longsuffering. A
God who is love. A God who saves.
A God who graciously sent His Son to save His people from their
For there is a reign greater
than that of sin: the reign of grace. What a contrast we see in Romans
5:21. Sin reigned unto death, but grace reigns unto eternal
The reign of sin was a reign
of man’s rebellion and disobedience towards his God, which brought in
death. But the reign of grace is that of God showing His unmerited favour
towards man, in spite of his rebellion, in order to freely give him
eternal life in Jesus Christ. The one is of man and the other is of God.
The one brings death but the other brings life. The former was earned,
merited by man’s actions, but the latter is unearned, unmerited, it is a
free gift from God to man for no other reason than God’s mercy and loving-kindness
to those whom He chose to have mercy upon. The one is chosen
by man through his free will but the other is granted freely by God
through His Sovereignty. The one abounds under the law which demands of
man and condemns his offences, but the other abounds much more being
freely given to repentant sinners and forgiving their offences. Oh, what a
contrast we see in these two reigns!
We see here that however great
the reign of sin might be, the reign of grace is greater! However powerful
a force sin might be, it is nothing compared to grace. However strong a
grip sin might have upon man, it can not stand before the invincible power
of God’s grace in saving sinners. For we read that “Where sin
abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20) and
that although through the offence of one (Adam) many are dead, “much more the
grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ,
hath abounded unto many”(Romans 5:15) and “…if by one man’s
offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of
grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus
Christ” Romans 5:17.
The reign, the power, of sin,
however great is nothing compared to the power of God’s grace. When God
sets his grace upon a sinner nothing stands in its way. When grace reigns
all other dominion is cast aside. “For sin shall not
have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”
Romans 6:14.
In fact the only way that man
can be
delivered from the reign of sin over him is by God’s
grace. There is no other way. Sin is within man, it rules him,
it motivates him, it reigns over
him. Only by an act of God’s grace in delivering man from his
sin, in taking that sin away, in blotting it out so that sin is no more,
can man be free of its dominion.
No reformation of character or manners can
achieve such a deliverance. No works or effort that man can make to live
more uprightly can deliver him from the absolute tyranny of sin under
which he finds himself. The very best deeds of mankind, the most noble
exploits, the most charitable actions he can bring himself to do are still
tainted by that sin which he finds within himself. He is ruled by it. “For even our
righteousnesses are as filthy rags”. That’s right, even our
righteousnesses. Our best deeds are marred by
Some would turn to the law
of God in an attempt to subdue sin and live a life pleasing to God.
They think that if they can attain to its requirements they will find
favour with God. But they couldn’t be more wrong because when sinful man
puts himself under that law, far from subduing sin the law inflames it!
Far from it leading man to life it simply shows man the vileness of his
own heart, it stirs up sin within and so it condemns him. As we read “Moreover the law
entered, that the offence might abound.” Romans 5:20. Not
subdue, notice, but abound.
That is why God gave the law, to show man his sin. That the offence might
abound, that man might be condemned and that he might be led to flee unto
that one Deliverer from sin and death, even Jesus Christ and Him
Crucified. The law might set forth a standard of righteousness which God
expects of man and demands of man, but experimentally when man puts
himself under that law, the knowledge he acquires, in experience, is not
one of righteousness but of sin. “Therefore by the
deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:20. This
experience of sin actually abounding under the law is what Paul knew and
wrote about in Romans 7: “For I was alive
without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I
died. And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto
death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it
slew me.”
There is nothing wrong with
God’s law. The problem lies with the sin within us and the effect of that
law upon sin. The law “is holy, and the
commandment holy, and just, and good. Was then that which is good made
death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working
death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might
become exceeding sinful.” Romans 7:12-13. Yes, as Romans
where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” Romans
But praise God that there is
a deliverance from sin. There is another reign, a greater
reign: the reign of grace! And how wonderful that where sin abounds - in those
shown their sinfulness by God through the application of His law
demonstrating to them their sin and inability to deliver themselves from
it and its reign - that grace much more
abounds! There is no sin too great, no sinner too sinful, for
grace to overcome - for where sin abounded, grace did much more
Yes, grace reigns – and what
a reign! What a power grace is. How great is its kingdom, even the
kingdom of heaven. How many are its citizens! But grace and its reign can no
more be considered apart from the One who grants them any more than sin and its
reign can be considered apart from the one by whom they entered the world. Sin
entered by one man - Adam, but the grace of God comes by one Man - even
Jesus Christ the Lord. It is this fact that makes grace so glorious and
its reign so triumphant. The first man is earthy and brought in sin and
death, but the Second Man, the Last Adam, is heavenly - a quickening
spirit - and He brought in righteousness and everlasting life. Christ, the
Son of God, is both man and God, both human and divine. As God He is
sovereign over all, He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Hence His
grace reigns for it is the grace of a King, the grace of a sovereign. It
is Sovereign Grace
and as a King Christ gives it to whom He will. “I will have mercy
on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have
compassion.” Romans 9:15. Oh! To be a recipient of such grace.
Oh! To be under its reign!
Yes, grace reigns, but it does
Grace reigns through righteousness.
Grace does not reign in isolation. God’s mercy towards man is not at the
expense of His justice. No, grace reigns through
righteousness and God’s grace is seen in His righteousness, in His justice.
Without righteousness, without justice, there could be no reign of grace
for the reign of sin must be overcome. Sin must be dealt with in order for
God to be just and the justifier of the ungodly. Grace reigns, yes, but it
reigns through
Righteousness and the revelation of God’s righteousness are at the very heart of the Gospel. They
are what give the Gospel its power. Hence Paul writes “I am not ashamed
of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation…”
Romans 1:16. Why? “For therein is
the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith…” Yes,
it is the revelation of God’s righteousness in the Gospel which gives it
its power. Righteousness is that through which God judges the sin of His
people in Christ their Saviour and delivers them from its reign and its
power. It is through righteousness, by the revelation of God’s justice
(righteousness) in Christ’s redemption that God justifies His people
freely by grace.
justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ
Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his
blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are
past, through the forbearance of God; To
declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and
the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.”
Romans 3:24-26
In the Gospel God has revealed
His righteousness by judging and destroying sin and its reign over God’s
people in their Substitute, Jesus Christ, as He suffered and died in their
place in order to deliver them from sin, death and condemnation and make
them righteous before God in Him. Hence, God justified His people
by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ
God did this in His
Son, Christ Jesus. Only one Man could die in the place of fallen sinners to redeem them
from the reign of sin, and that man was Jesus Christ. Only He could deliver
His people from sin because only He was without
sin. Christ was perfect, righteous and holy. As God who took upon
Himself human nature in perfect union with His divine person, as One
who was made in all points like unto us, yet without sin, as the Incarnate
God, Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice acceptable unto God in
the place of sinners. God declared His righteousness by judging sin in His
own Son upon the cross, in the One who was “made to be sin
for us, who knew no sin: that we might be made the righteousness of God in
him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21.
Christ knew no sin. For
more than thirty years He lived and walked in this world as a man born under the
law and He lived in perfection. He never sinned, He never disobeyed
God the Father, He never disbelieved the Father, He never ceased to trust
the Father, He never ceased to worship God with all His heart, mind and
soul, He never sinned - He knew no
sin. Christ was made under the law in order to redeem those who
were under the law. The law tested Him in all points, the full rigour of
God’s law and justice tested Him to the limit and found nothing in Him to
condemn. He was perfect. Having magnified that law and made it honourable
Christ then willingly submitted Himself to death upon the cross in the
place of His people. Though perfect, though innocent, though without a
single fault or cause of condemnation, Christ submitted Himself to the
will of His Father and gave Himself up to be taken by the hands of wicked
men and nailed to a cross to suffer and die in the place of transgressors.
But what happened when Jesus
Christ was nailed to that cross and lifted up to die, what happened when
the light of the sun was darkened at the ninth hour was a mystery which
was hid from the natural eye. What happened during those hours of darkness
as Christ suffered in the place of His people was a tremendous transaction
between God the Father and His Son which no natural man could comprehend.
This was no ordinary death. No ordinary suffering. When Christ suffered
upon the tree it wasn’t the natural pain and suffering which slew Him, but
the supernatural outpouring of the wrath of God upon Him and what He had
become vicariously in the place of His
At the cross Christ
and His people were united together in death. As Eve was taken out of
Adam’s side while he slept, so in Christ’s death, His bride - His Church -
were united to Him and brought forth from His side washed in the precious
blood of Christ which justified them and cleansed them from their sins. At
the cross Christ became one with His bride, united to her, being made what
she was – sin. Her sin became His. Her transgressions became His as He
bore them in His own body on the tree. And in response the wrath of God
the Father poured down from the vaults of heaven upon Christ the sacrifice
to judge sin in Him, to consume it, to destroy it, to blot it out. As
Christ endured the cross, for the joy that was set before Him - as He
looked by faith to His Father in hope of the glorious resurrection in
righteousness with His people - He endured the full penalty of God’s
righteousness, God’s unflinching justice, against all the sin and
transgressions of His people. He endured
it. He endured the hours of torment, the hours of unspeakable suffering.
Why? “For the joy that
was set before Him” Hebrews
12:2. At the last, Christ would see of the travail of His soul
and be satisfied. Isaiah
Through death Christ justified His people, freely by
grace. For grace is not cheap. It comes at a price. Grace reigns, God
justifies His people freely to them
by grace, but it comes at a
cost to Him.
It comes through righteousness. Christ gave His life for His own. That
was the cost. But why did He do this? Because He loved them. As we
God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us. Much more then, being justified by his blood, we shall
be saved from wrath through him.” Romans
Yes, Christ “loved the church,
and gave himself for it” Ephesians
At the cross God justified His
people, freely by grace. His love was set upon a people who didn’t deserve
it, a rebellious people, sold under sin, a people under the reign of sin
and death. Yet at the cross God manifested His righteousness through the
faith of Jesus Christ in order to destroy sin and its reign and deliver
that people. God showed grace to a people who sought Him not, and that
grace came at such a price – it cost the Saviour. He gave Himself for His
own (Galatians
and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each
other.” Psalm 85:10.
Through the obedience of
Christ, the obedience of faith, in giving Himself for His people, they are
justified in Him, delivered from all condemnation, washed from every sin
by Christ’s blood, justified freely by His grace. God in righteousness
judged the sins of all His people in the Saviour, blotting them out
through the shed blood, and, not only that, but He judged sin itself, that
sinful nature His people inherited from Adam, by destroying it in Christ’s
body on the tree, totally consuming it under His fiery wrath and
indignation and taking it out of sight, so making that people perfect in
Christ. In this way God could be just and the justifier of all those who
believe in Jesus. In this way He could show His people mercy and grant
forgiveness. In this way He could save His people from their sins by His
grace. In this way He could deliver them from sin itself, Romans
6:6. In this way grace
reigns - through righteousness.
It is a victorious reign, a triumphant reign, a reign which overcomes all
others, even that of sin and death which Christ conquered through His
death as he took sin away and,
having done so, rose again on the third day with everlasting life,
victorious over all His foes. Nothing, not even death, could stand in the
way of grace and its reign by Jesus Christ!
Yes, grace reigns, and it
reigns through righteousness…
Eternal Life by Jesus Christ our Lord
Grace has an end in view, a
triumphant end – even eternal life. Whilst sin brought in misery and
death, grace brings eternal
life in Jesus Christ. What a glorious thing this is, what a
hope is set before the believer, what an end is in view – eternal life.
Everlasting life. Life without end. Life free from death, free from
misery, free from sorrow, free from suffering, and free from the reign of
sin. Yes, eternal
And how is this life brought
in? By Jesus Christ our Lord. Grace reigns unto eternal life by Jesus
Christ, because He is
eternal life! As John testifies of Christ, the Word of God, the Word of
life in 1 John
1:2: “For the life was
manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that
eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us”.
To know Christ, is to know life, to have Christ is to have
life, for Christ is eternal life. This is what grace brings – everlasting
life in Christ Jesus.
this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life
is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the
Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that
believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have
eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” 1
John 5:12-13.
To have eternal life is to
have Christ. To have Christ is to be in Christ. If we are in Christ we are
made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians
Who are those who have eternal
life? John tells us: ”He that hath the
Son hath life”. And who has the Son? Those “that believe on
the name of the Son of God” 1 John
And just who are
those who believe in Jesus? All those whom God chose in Christ before the
foundation of the world to be saved by Him (Ephesians
1:3-12). All those upon whom God set His electing love, all the
“election of
grace” Romans 11:5.
Adam through his disobedience
brought sin, death and condemnation to all his posterity, but Christ, the
Last Adam, through His obedience brought righteousness and justification
of life to all His posterity, the
election of grace, Romans 5:18! For where sin abounded, grace
did much more abound: “That as sin hath
reigned unto death, even so might
grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our
Lord.” Romans 5:21
Now, let us ask ourselves the
question: which reign are we
under? The reign of sin, or the reign of grace? Which do we love - sin or
grace? What motivates us? What rules our life? What governs our thoughts
and actions? Where are we heading?
Do we know grace and its reign
over us? Has it been bestowed upon us? Are we recipients of it? Not claimants
of mercy but recipients?
Have we cried out to God for mercy, for grace, having been shown by God
the Holy Spirit our desperate need of it, being full of sin and death,
being held captive by nature under another reign? Do we know the reign of
grace in our hearts? Does it reign over all our life, from start to
finish? Do we know the SOVEREIGN
KING who grants it? Are we citizens of His kingdom? Do we know
Jesus Christ as Lord?
Can we say from our hearts with Paul “even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord”…? Oh, to be able to join with
Paul in saying“I am crucified
with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and
the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of
God, who loved me, and
gave himself for me” Galatians 2:20.
May God bless His word to His