Links to Other Christian Websites

Here are a few links to sites we recommend.

In general these sites seek to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to God's glory and we are in much agreement with them. However a recommendation on here does not of course mean that we endorse everything which you might read on these websites.

These first few links are to the 'sister' sites of the main 'Grace and Truth Online' website:

ROMANS - The Gospel of God - An exposition of the gospel of Christ as found in Paul's epistle to the Romans

Honiton Sovereign Grace Meetings & the Church In Devon - further details of our meetings held in and around Honiton

Grace & Truth Online Web-Log - A variety of posts and news relating to and in addition to this website

Grace & Truth Hymns - A collection of MIDI hymn tunes along with mappings to various hymns in the Gadsby hymnal

Christ is All - Messages and transcriptions based on a series of messages of the epistle to the Colossians

Christ - The Sun of Righteousness - Articles based on the book of the same name

Grace & Truth Online Publications - Our printed publications

Free Grace Meetings in UK - A map of various meetings around the UK

Free Grace Radio is a new website featuring online audio sermons and articles by a number of faithful preachers of the Gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. The preachers include Don Fortner, Don Bell, Gary Shepard, Henry Mahan, Stephen Bignall and Todd Nibert among others. Highly recommended.

Don Fortner now has his own website which has been produced for him by members of his church. It contains his articles, radio messages, bulletins, tapelist and information about his books. There are also some articles by other writers on the site. Well worth visiting!

New Focus magazine is published bi-monthly by Go Publications which also prints a number of books by George Ella (see the "Books" page). The magazine contains regular articles by Don Fortner, George Ella and also its editor Peter Meney. As it says on the website: "New Focus promotes the Christ-centred Gospel of God's free and sovereign grace. It presents the Gospel as the power of God unto salvation and glories in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption."

The Christian Bookshop in Ossett, Yorkshire, now has a website which is well worth visiting. CBO has for many years now stocked a wide range of christian books from good publishers. They also have their own publishing arm which produces many excellent books and pamphlets with a particular emphasis on Sovereign Grace. These include works from such authors as William Gadsby, John Brine, and Tobias Crisp. The CBO website is very well produced and provides details about the books along with ordering details. We heartily recommend a visit.

Grace eBooks is a new site compiled by our friend Larry Brown of Danville, Kentucky. This is an excellent source of FREE ebooks. The site describes itself as follows: Do not leave your name and do not send your money! The books available on this site are either in the public domain, or published with the permission of the author or publisher. You will find both ?classic? and ?contemporary? materials. While most all claim to speak in the name of God, in defense of the Christian faith, no defense or justification is offered for the site?s content. All books have been extensively bookmarked and are invaluable to anyone who reads the Scriptures.

Biographia Evangelica is the website of historian, author and biographer George Ella and is highly recommended. George Ella is the author of several major biographies of Evangelicals such as John Gill, Augustus Toplady, William Cowper and William Huntington. His website details his various published works but is also full of articles covering church history and many in defence of the Gospel and Sovereign Grace.

Gospel Standard Trust Publications now has a website. On the site you can read about and order any of the excellent books which the Gospel Standard produce, and also find out about the Gospel Standard magazine and the Strict Baptist churches which gathered as a denomination as a result of the influence of the magazine which has always strongly upheld the truths of Sovereign Grace. The Gospel Standard magazine has been edited by several godly men over the years including J.C. Philpot and William Gadsby and is currently edited by B.A. Ramsbottom.

Grace Gospel Software This is a provider of FREE Christian software, including evangelistic material. The site is committed to the Doctrines of Grace, ie - Evangelical and Reformed. They subscribe to the First London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1646. The site is maintained by Frederick Serjeant in Bridport, Dorset, UK. Includes Links to many useful sites.

The Trinitarian Bible Society faithfully publishes The Bible in the Authorised Version in English, as well as in several other languages. They also produce a range of cards, bookmarks etc. Find out more on their Website.

The Evangelical Times has for many years provided valuable news and comment for evangelical churches. This site allows you to read many of the articles from recent issues, and provides details of how to subscribe.

Evangelical Press publish a wide range of Evangelical and Reformed literature, including Professor Edgar Andrews' commentary on Galatians, "Free in Christ". Details are available on this Website.

The Website Grace For Today contains a huge resource of articles and sermons by many faithful preachers of the Gospel including Don Fortner and Henry Mahan. There are many audio and video sermons which can be played whilst online, and a wide variety of links to other sites proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and Sovereign Grace.

Grace Baptist Church of Danville and Thirteenth Street Baptist Church, Ashland are well worth a visit (both located in Kentucky, USA), as too is Paul Harries' FREEGRACE, Ron Thompson's Sovereign Grace Articles and Gregory Ickes' Sovereign Grace of God.

The Parsons Pages is produced by Clifford Parsons from Salem Baptist Church, Portsmouth (UK) and contains a good range of articles by such writers as William Gadsby (including 'The Gospel Rule Defended') and the pastor of Salem Baptist Church, Henry Sant. There are also details of the publications produced by The Huntingtonian Press which are highly recommended.

Sovereign Grace Chapel in West Virginia, USA is a church which holds firmly to salvation by God's Sovereign Grace through Jesus Christ alone. The website contains various messages in RealAudio format and others which can be read as text. Well worth visiting.

Pristine Grace is a website proclaiming the Gospel of God's Free and Sovereign Grace which seeks to point the reader away from man towards the Lord Jesus Christ. It is produced by Michael Krall and has many good articles and messages by a number of writers. However, disappointingly, the website also endorses 'Full Preterism' which is a viewpoint which holds that Christ's second coming occurred in 70AD with the fall of Jerusalem. This is an error which I feel the reader of this website should be made aware of - the Bible teaches that Christ's second coming will coincide with the end of this world, the bodily resurrection of the dead and the day of judgment.

Word of His Grace Ministries - This is a new, home-based, Christian ministry proclaiming the Gospel, God's sovereignty, the Bible alone, and faith alone, from a Calvinist and New Covenant perspective. All of their articles and publications are consistent with this premise: The Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety is God's Word, and it either states or it implies all that is necessary for us to know concerning God's glory and man's salvation, faith, and life. From this starting point springs the doctrine of God's total sovereignty.

The Campus Church in Welywn Garden City now has a website where you can download sermons by its pastor Stephen Bignall. The Campus Church is an independent Baptist church where Sovereign Grace is firmly held to and where Christ is at the centre of their preaching. Edgar Andrews, the author of "Free in Christ" is one of the elders of the church.

Amyand Park Chapel in St Margarets, Twickenham was Rachel's former church before we were married. We still visit the church at times and have a number of friends there. The pastor is Gerard Hemmings and the church holds firmly to the Doctrines of Grace. To read more about 'APC' visit this website.

Grace Truth Ministries is a website full of good articles by such authors as William Huntington, John Vinall, Eli Ashdown, John Warburton, J. C. Philpot, Tobias Crisp, John Gill, William Gadsby, John Kershaw and Robert Hawker.

The Bunyan Press is a small publisher dedicated to the publication of the works of John Bunyan, including his well known book "The Pilgrim's Progress". To find out more about Bunyan take a look at their website. The Bunyan Press have also published a very good short biography of Christmas Evans written by B.A. Ramsbottom.

William Tyndale was raised up of God in the 16th century to translate the Bible from the original languages into English. His translation of the New Testament, and half the Old Testament, largely formed the basis of the Authorised Version of the Bible (1611). The importance of his work in translating the Bible and bringing the word of God to the everyday reader in the English speaking world cannot be overestimated. Learn more about Tyndale and his translation of the Bible by visiting the website of The Tyndale Society. Copies of the Tyndale translation of the Bible can also be purchased through the website - highly recommended!

True Gospel Resources is a website maintained by Mike Scott and contains a number of good articles by such authors as William Huntington, J. C. Philpot, William Gadsby, John Kershaw and William Tiptaft.

In Depth Studies have an online ministry devoted to Bible Study. They teach from a New Covenant perspective and have many interesting articles on their website, including one examining the teaching of the imputation of the "active obedience" of Christ (see the link from our "Articles" page).

Grace Baptist Church Dorchester is a new assembly in the town of Dorchester, where Sovereign Grace is faithfully declared and where Christ is at the centre of their preaching. Our friend, Frederick Serjeant, who also maintains the Grace Gospel Software website (see above) is the pastor. Take a look at their website for more information, where you will also be able to read their monthly "Grace Bulletin" magazine.

The Gospel of Grace Online is maintained by Bo and Carol Kizziar and contains a number of good articles including the complete set of daily readings by J. C. Philpot from his book 'Ears from Harvested Sheaves' (see our "Books" page).

All of Grace is a website full of good Sovereign Grace articles and sermons. A number of 'Real Audio' sermons are also available at the site for downloading.

Gospel Mission Books now have an online bookstore from which their wide range of excellent books proclaiming the Gospel of Free and Sovereign Grace can be ordered. Their books used to be available in the UK from Providence Books but their distribution has recently been taken over by the Christian Bookshop in Ossett. Books can either be ordered from CBO or orders made on the Gospel Mission website will be forwarded to CBO for UK customers.

Eric Wilson produces a website called Gleanings of Grace. This contains many good articles and Bible studies and is highly recommended. He also produces a 'sister' website called Sovereign Grace Word which contains verse by verse exposition of the scriptures. Again, recommended!

The Gospel Magazine was first published in 1766 and continues to be the oldest such magazine in circulation in Great Britain. It was once edited by Augustus Toplady and past contributors also included John Newton and George Whitefield. This new website contains background information on the magazine, its history, subscription details and so on, but also an extensive, and expanding, archive of back copies in PDF format.

The Book Academy is a new site which is currently being compiled which reproduces Spurgeon's work "Commenting and Commentaries" and then provides FREE download links for a great many of the works mentioned/recommended by Spurgeon. Many very scarce works are now available in digital format and this website makes them available to Christians to help in their study of the Bible.

"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."
John 1:17