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CHRIST "THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS"Malachi 2:2By Ian Potts "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings…” Malachi 2:2
MALACHI , the last of the Old Testament prophets, at the conclusion of the Old Testament scriptures, four hundred years before the coming of Christ, wrote in prophetic certainty of that great Saviour who was to come, describing him in vivid imagery as the “Sun of righteousness”. All that Malachi wrote regarding the coming of the Son of God into this world and the salvation which He would bring by His death upon the cross came to be. The prophecy was fulfilled, just as promised. It was sure and certain. Yes, four hundred years after Malachi laid down his pen, the angel of the Lord announced the coming of the Son of God into this world, as Mary carried Him in her womb, with these words recorded by Matthew: “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. Jesus, the Saviour, had come, and for this purpose: to save his people from their sins.
Isaiah’s prophecy, like Malachi’s, came about. Christ was born of a virgin; the Son of the Living God, who was God Himself, was born amongst men, God taking human nature into union with His divine nature and person in order that He might suffer and die in the place of sinners, and in so doing take their sins and the punishment against them upon Himself, that He might save his people from their sins. Sin had brought all men into condemnation. All have sinned and all stand before a holy God as guilty and justly deserving everlasting judgement. But how thankful mankind should be that God delights in showing mercy, and in His great mercy towards His people He sent His only Son into the world to suffer and die in their place, as it is written:
Yes, Christ, the perfect, the sinless Son of God died for His people. The just for the unjust. As Luke records…
Christ, whom Malachi calls “the Sun of righteousness” was nailed to a cross upon which He was crucified. God laid upon Him the sins of His people hence the light of the sun was darkened. But at the ninth hour all the sin of God’s people had been borne away, all their sin was blotted out, Christ “gave up the ghost” and the light of the sun returned. Joseph of Arimathaea begged Pilate for the body of Jesus, and having his wish granted “he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid.” Luke 23:53. But did Christ, the “Sun of righteousness” remain in the grave? Did He who is the light of the world remain buried under its surface, held fast by the bonds of death and the grave? No, thanks be unto God, He did not! Christ “the Sun of righteousness” arose “with healing in his wings”! On the third day He rose again from the dead, having conquered sin, death and hell and having brought in everlasting righteousness to the account of all His people. Yes, the “Sun of righteousness” arose – and the grave could not hold Him! Neither will the grave hold any of those for whom Christ died, for when He died, they died, and when He rose, they rose with Him from the dead, in everlasting life. What victory Jesus Christ the Saviour wrought for His people!
So when the women came to the tomb on the first day of the week they found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty!
Yes, the “Sun of righteousness” arose, with healing in His wings, just as Malachi had prophesied. The prophecy was sure and certain. The disciples’ heart burned within them as Christ revealed Himself to them by opening up the scriptures, and showing them how He was the fulfilment of what the prophets had written concerning Him. Oh, what power there is in the resurrection of Christ! What power there is in His Gospel. What righteousness is revealed therein, even the righteousness of God, brought in to the account of all God’s people, and granted freely to them in Christ by sovereign grace alone. Oh, to be given faith to see such things! What mercy God has shown to dead, fallen sinners whom He quickens to life by His Spirit. Even to such far off, idolatrous, gentiles as were found at Ephesus, as we read…
Now my reader, I ask you, have you seen the Christ, the Sun of righteousness? Has He arisen in your soul? Do you know anything of His light, of His perfection, of His eternal life, of His almighty power? Do you know something of the power of His resurrection? Have you ever felt that healing in His wings? Indeed, do you feel the need of such healing? Have you ever felt the burden of your sins? Do you know and feel that God would be just to condemn you for your sins? …Do you fear His holy name? Reader, do you know that Christ, the Sun of righteousness, has arisen, with healing in His wings?
(This article represents the 'Epilogue' in the book "Christ, the Sun of Righteousness", details of which can be found on the "Books" page.)