Henry Mahan Video Messages
On this page you can view a number of Gospel Preaching videos by Henry
Mahan (as long as you have a 'Broadband' internet connection, or similar).
The player should appear above, assuming you have the correct version of
the Macromedia Flash player installed (if not it should offer you the option of
downloading and installing it). If your browser displays a warning message near
the top of its window simply click on it and select to 'Allow Blocked
Content...' in order to allow the video player to display. To play the messages
simply click a couple of times on the large button in the middle of the
player to start, and the first message will begin to play. Further messages can
be selected by hovering the mouse pointer near the bottom of the player and
clicking on the thumbnail picture of the message you wish to play.
Henry Mahan on 'The Preaching of the cross'.
Visit the main Video Messages page for more messages.